What is low rise medium density housing?
Low rise medium density housing is development that contains two or more dwellings on the same property, with each being no more than two storeys in height.
In a residential context, this includes:
Dual occupancies
Manor houses and 'one above the other' dual occupancies (these are buildings of between 2-4 dwellings)
Multi dwelling housing (terraces)
Multi dwelling housing (town houses and villas)
Who is this for?
Are any of these you?
You're looking to downsize and have a new home without leaving your existing neighbourhood

You want family nearby, whether that's elderly parents or keeping children or grandchildren close by

You're looking to easily invest with your superannuation; build two dwellings on your existing land
The Benefits
Lifestyle Benefits
Live and stay in the suburb that you love. No need to move!

By building a new home you get the latest in building materials, design, home technology, and environmental options

The option to have family living next door, whether that be a parent or a child

Due to the site being smaller and the building being new, you'll have less maintenance
Financial Benefits
You already own the land, so you don't need to pay stamp duty, or the actual cost, of a second piece of land
Your new home will likely be valued higher than your existing home

Potential to make extra income from the sale of one or both of the homes
The Guide
The full Design Guide can be found
here, however we've selected some excerpts we feel will be the most useful for you below.
1. Introduction
An overview of the low rise medium density housing code and defining some key terms.
View excerpt >1.5 Examples
Real-world plans and photos of low rise medium density housing showing how different designs fit into different sized blocks of land
View excerpt >2.1 Dual Occupancy (side by side)
Everything you need to know about complying developments that contain two side by side dwellings
View excerpt >2.2 Manor house and dual occupancy (one above the other)
Details on developments that contain a manor house or a dual occupancy where one dwelling is located above the other
View excerpt >2.3 Terraces
Information on developments that contain multi dwelling housing.
View excerpt >Get Started
Use our eligibility checker below to find out if your property is eligible for a dual occupancy